google dorks for finding symlink sites [2013]]
Lets Start
WE Will Use Some Google Dorks To accomplish This Task
I Will Also Explain You How These Dork Work
Ok here Are Some Dorks Which U already Know To find Symlink Via Google
WE Will Use Some Google Dorks To accomplish This Task
I Will Also Explain You How These Dork Work
Ok here Are Some Dorks Which U already Know To find Symlink Via Google
- inurl:"/root/home/*/public_html/"
- inurl:"/sym/root/"
- inurl:"/*.php?sws=sym" 0r inurl:"/*.php?*=sym" intext:"[ Symlink File ]"
You Will Many sites by these Dorks
Browse through the parent directory u May also get pre uploaded shells
Ok now Some Dorks Which I use for symlinkd files
Go one changinging no too for example from Whm7.txt To Whm6.txt and so on
Note After Finding This if U r not able to get shell on that site Check My tuts Of pentesting the serverand try to shell that server rest u know how to hack sites via symlinking
Hint If u Want to find particular shell but you are not getting any dork for that dont wory follow some steps
1) Download The shell which u want to find from google dork For example madspotshell
2)edit the shell with notepad++ or any other editing software then find by pressing ctrl + f type title
copy the title for example in madspot shell u will get Madspot Security Team Shell
3) copy that title and paste it in google by this way
intitle:Madspot Security Team Shell(your shell title ) and you will find many results
Any Doubt Regarding This Feel Free To contact us
google dorks for finding symlink sites [2013]]